søndag 29. januar 2017

GD Make it Crafty: Kort til valentines day

Hello crafty friends,

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday! Today I want to share a Valentine's day card I made for my guest designer project over at Make it Crafty today. I love this supercute geeky couple, and I wanted to color it in vibrant, happy colors to fit the theme.

I dag viser jeg frem dagens kort for Make it Crafty. Jeg laget et Valentines day kort, så clean and simple som jeg kan klare :) Jeg har fargelagt all chipboard med copic tusjene mine.

I scored along the edges of the design-papers and layer the elemtens using glue dots. The chipboard letters and butterflies are colored in the same colors as I used on the clothes. And did you see the little rainbow? Love love love the chipboard and the way it's so easy to color, I could actually get the copics to blend! 
Jeg har brukt mønsterpapri fra Pion design. Langs kantene har jeg skåret med skårebrett og limt panelene på i lag med limputer. 

I printed the image with light grey lines to get the no-lines effect.
Copic colors used: 
Hud/Skin: E11-21-01-000-00, E70
Hår jente/Hair girl: E35-YR24-31, E50 and boy/gutten: E57-53-50
Rødt/Reds: E18-08, R24-22
Jeans: B37-34-32, 91-93
Hvitt/White: C5-3-1-00
Gult/Yellow: YR24-30
Chipboard: YG67-17-03 and E07, R24-22
I added drops in three's of liquid pearl around the image.

Product list:

Takk for at du titter innom bloggen min i dag! ønsker deg en fin søndag! 

Hope you like it, thanks for stopping by! 


søndag 22. januar 2017

GD Make It Crafty- Bestevenner boks

Hello crafty friends,
For my third guest designer post over at Make it Crafty I am showcasing a box I made for my daughter to give her  friend. It's going to be filled with their shared "BFF secret stash" .

I dag viser jeg frem mitt tredje GD prosjekt for Make it Crafty. Jeg har laget en boks som datteren min skal gi til venninnen sin. Den skal fylles med "hemmelige vennskaps ting"

Here's the top. I made a clean and simple layout - for me anyways. I wanted the two images to be the main focus. I merged two of the gorgeus Sitting girls-  Lotus Sitting and Chelsea Hugging Legs. I think they work perfectly together. I added sky and ground with a few straws of grass to make a scene around them.
Slik ser lokket på boksen ut. Jeg har maskert de to stemplene sammen digitalt og tegnet litt gress og bakke under og lagt en lys blåfarge som himmel, så ble de en liten scene ut av det. 

The images used are Lotus Sitting and Chelsea Hugging Legs masked together.

Copic colors used:
Hud/Skin: E04-11-21-01-000, E93,
Hår/Hair Lotus: E25, Y26-21, YR24, Hår/Hair Chelsea: E59-57-55-51-50,
Rosa/Pinks: R89-85-83-81, RV34,
Lilla/Purple: BV29-25-23-20, W7,
Turkis/Turqoise: BG75-72-71(homemade)-70-11,
Bakke/Ground: E35-33-31-30,
Gress/Grass: YG67-63-61-40-21,
Himmel/Sky: B0000, BG000, B60

Here's a view of the box. 

I made it from scratch with chipboard and decorated with design papers.

Her er en kikk inn i boksen også. Jeg har laget den av chipboard og dekket den med bazzill og mønserark. Det skal limes inn bilde av de gode venninnene inni lokket :) 

Products used:
Lotus Sitting Make it Crafty
Chelsea Hugging Legs Make it Crafty
Bazzill White
Maja design papers
Memorybox Calais Butterfly Dies
Magnolia doohickey's:Rosemary Wreath
Flowers by WOC and Kort og Godt

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great Sunday!
Takk for at du titter innom bloggen min i dag, ønsker deg en fin Søndag! 


torsdag 19. januar 2017

DT Bikuben: Lovely Rose Tilda

Hello my crafty friends, 
Sharing my DT card for Bikuben this week. I had fun playing with my new Magnolia images and dies to make this birthday.

I went with the colors pink and turqouise. The die top right is from the Mangolia Doohickey summer club kit 2016. Rest of the materials used are listed in the inlinkz at the end of the post. 

I attatced the image with glue dots to make it pop.

The image is Lovely Rose Tilda by Magnolia. I used darked brown Memento ink to stamp, to get a softer look. On her dress I used a piece of denim with two drops of blender solution to get that textured effect. 
Copic colors used: 
Skin: E13-11-21-000
Hair: E57-55-53-50, E47
Dress:BG79-75-72-71 (homemade)-70
Green: YG03-07-17-63
Socks: W7-3-1-00

I went with the same dies inside the card. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you got inspired to play with your stash! 

Crafty hugs, 

InLinkz Project Manager account expired

søndag 15. januar 2017

GDT Make It Crafty: Bookmark and Card

Hi crafty friends,

Sharing my second GD project over at the Make it Crafty inspiration blog today.

Her er mitt 2. GDT bidrag for Make it Crafty. Jeg har laget et bokmerke og et kort. På kortet brukte jeg et croppet motiv, mens jeg har brukt hele motivet på bokmerket. 

Here's my set, I made a card and a bookmark  using the sweet Amelia's Puppy.

Copic colors used:
Hud/Skin: E04-13-11-21-000, Øyne/Eyes: B97-95-91, Hår/Hair: W9-7-5-3-1, B60, Grønt/Greens: G99, YG63-17-13-03, Lilla/Purple: V09-06-04-01, Strømper/Stockinsgs: W3-1-00,
Valpen/Puppy: E44-43-42-40

I chose not to add any text on the front- I couldn't figure out where to put it without breaking up the layout, but I did stamp Happy birthday inside the card.

Here's a closeup of the bookmark.

Products used:
Amelias Puppy by Make it Crafty
Papers: Maja Design
Dies: Lifestyle crafts
Flowers by WOC
Gorgeous lace from the Live & Love Craft store

Hope you like it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you have a great Sunday!

Crafty hugs, 

søndag 8. januar 2017

GDT Make it Crafty: Carlie With Flowers

Hi crafty friends,
this is my very first card as a guest designer over at Make it Crafty. I was so happy to be asked to join the team for January and February!

For my first post I made a birthday card for one of my daughters little girlfriends. Her favorite color is purple and I thought this image was perfect because it looks a lot like her!

Image used is Carlie with Flowers, she's so cute! 

I masked the image with a Tim Holtz text stamp to create the background. The sentiments on top is a  Happy Birthday greeting in Norwegian. Papers by Maja design , dies by Magnolia and Kort og Godt, Sentiment stamps by Norsk Stempelblad and Tim Holtz (background).

I colored Carlie with Flowers using my Copic markers.
Copic colors used: Skin: E04-13-11-21-000, Eyes: B99-95-91, Hair: E49-25, YR23-21, Y21, Dress and purple flowers: BV08-17-13-11-00-000, Pink details: R89-85-83-81, Greens: YG67-11-03, G99, White: C3-1-00, Yellow: YR23-21-00, YR14

Here's my badge too, cute isn't it :)

Hope you like it. You really should pop over to the Make it Crafty blog for lots of inspiration by the talented design team.

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a colorful day!

onsdag 4. januar 2017

DT Bikuben: Invitasjon/ Invitation

Happy new year crafty friends. I love the fresh start of a new year, like a clean slate- ready to be colored up ;) 

I was lucky to get lots of crafting-goodies for christmas, and I am going to have lots of fun in the coming weeks playing with it all. For my Bikuben DT card this week I went crazy with my new Magnolia things... I made an invitation using a few of the dies and images from the new collection. Don't you just love the little oven?! 

  God nytt år alle sammen! Det er tid for blanke ark og nye kreative muligheter. Blant annet å kose seg med alle de fine nyhetene som sakte men sikkert kommer på plass i butikkhyllene. Heldige meg fikk masse fine kortlagingsting til jul (inklusive gavekort på Bikuben!) som jeg nå skal kose meg med utover vinteren. 

Blant nyhetene i hylla er det mye flott fra Magnolia, både dies og stempler. det er noe av dette jeg har lekt meg med på denne invitasjonen. Diesen jeg har brukt som base på kortet heter Lacey Squares, en eldre dies fra Spellbinders.

Det er jo umulig å ikke elske denne ovnen her! 

I used the no-lines coloring technique on this Edwin image. With my new Misty Stamping Tool it was so easy to add the eyes, eyebrows and freckles after I finished coloring it. What an amazing tool! I love it! 

Dette stempelet, Chef Edwin,  passet perfekt til tema. Det er stemplet med lyst blekk og fargelagt med no-lines teknikk. Takket være at jeg var så heldig å få et MISTI Stamping Tool til jul, var det superenkelt å stemple på øyne, fregner og øyenbryn etter at jeg var ferdig med å fargelegge! Det er det kuleste stempelverktøyet jeg har sett på lenge! (ja, jeg er over gjennomsnittet entusiastisk :)  

Motivet er fargelagt med følgende Copic tusjer:
Skin/Hud: E13-11-21-000, E23, Hair/Hår: E57-55-53
White/Hvitt: W7-3-1-00, Knife/knivskaft: E44-43-42
Belt/Belte: E77-74-71-70

Hope you like it! Thanks for stopping by today, hope you have a great day! 
 You can find all products used listed in the inlikz at the end of the post.

Håper du fikk litt inspirasjon! Alle produktene jeg har brukt finner du i inlikzen under her! 

Crafty hugs, 

InLinkz Project Manager account expired