God morgen!
Det er tid for en ny utfordring hos Copic Marker Norge.
Vi vil se konfirmasjonskort denne gangen.
Ta en tur over til CMN bloggen og se de flotte bidragene fra resten av designteamet.
Good morning peeps,
It's time for a new challenge over at Copic Marker Norge. So get your Copics out and join in!
I found this fancy fold over at the talented Mariannes blog and tried my best to figure out how to make one...lol.
Jeg kikket rundt i bloggen til Marianne her om dagen og fant dette lekre brettekortet som jeg bare måtte prøve.
Tenkte at dette stemplet passet perfekt til denne komfirmanten, så da ble det Saturated Canary igjen:
Papirene er fra Maja Designs vakre Vintage Spring Basic Collection. Jeg har brukt Martha Stewart Punch rundt kantene og jeg har skrevet ut tekst på PC'en. Blomstene er fra WOC.
Papers are from Maja Design, vintage spring basic collection, I used a Martha Stewart Punch, flowers by WOC. I printet out the sentiment from my conputer.
Motivet er festet på en tag som fungerer som lukkemekanisme på kortet.
Motivet er fra Saturated Canary og er fargelagt i disse fargene:
Hud: E13-11-00-000, W3, Hår: E39-37-35--31-30, W7, Genser og rosa: RV95-93-91-V000, W5, Svart koffert: N9-7-5-3-1-0, Brun koffert: E77-74-71-70, Blått: B97-95-93-91, Skjørt og grått: W7-5-3-1-00, Skygge: W5-3-1-00
Her ser du selve kortet. Jeg måtte streve litt for å få til den spesielle brettingen, men synes det ble fint til slutt. Here's the card, it is made from a 12 x 12 cardstock, so it took me some figuring out to get the idea of how to make it....lol.
Inni kortet har jeg dekorert med de samme lekre papirene. Jeg har laget en remse midt i kortet til å feste penger bak. I decorated the inside of the card with the beautiful papers.
Hope you like it! Now pop over to the CMN blog to have a look at the beautiful creations of the rest of the DT and join in the challenge.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today, wishing you a creative day!
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:
Deep Ocean Challenge: #50 Favourite color combo (pink, white and brown!)
Copic Marker Europe: #16 Only female images
Bunny Zoe's Crafts challenge: April Challenge favorite color combo (pink, white, brown)
Stampin' for the weekend: Diecuts and/or punches
Ikke glem å stikke innom CMN og bli med på utfordringen!
Takk for at du stikker innom bloggen min i dag! Ønsker deg en kreativ og herlig dag!
Crafty hugs,

20 kommentarer:
This is gorgeous Elizabeth love your card design and the colouring of your fabby image
jacqui x
Oh my - this is GORGEOUS :)
wow this card is gorgeous, i love the image so beautiful.
Hugs Ghea
Wow how clever is this! Loooove the Design!Gorgeous Image and Love the way you coloured her up!
Very beautiful! I like the design a lot too :)
Så lekkert! Nydelige farger, bretting, fargelegging og pynt :) Klem Rita
This card is awesome and she is cutie and the shape is fab. I have it in my mind too. .o)
Hej Elizabeth! ❤
Men åhhhhh sååååå nydeligt det här är! Otroligt vackert motiv och din färgläggning skall vi inte prata om - den är så snygg! Underbara papper och läckra detaljer också :)
Kram ❤
Wow Elizabeth. Everything about this card is absolutely stunning and I love the design. You are a very talented lady.
Hugs Sharon. x
Wow Elizabeth! Fab design and stunning colouring, totally LOVE it!
Thanks for joining us at Bunny Zoe's Crafts for our monthly challenge :)
Hugs, Franz.
Oh, Wow! Elizabeth......This is absolutely beautiful.
I'm loving those Maja Vintage Spring papers.
The image has been coloured to perfection and the colours are so pretty.
Thanks for sharing and I must have a go at making one.
Crafty hugs
Donna x
Ohhhh så vackert!!! Synes du lyckats väl med brettetekniken och färgläggningen är PERFEKT!!
It is simply FANTASTIC. Very very pretty and your colour and colouring are awesome. Like it so much. Thanks for share it. My mind is working now whith this.......Elena F.
I love all your work. Serdeczne pozdrowienia :)
Utrolig lekkert Elizabeth, så flotte farger og nydelig fargelagt!
Ønsker deg ei fin mai-uke!
Klem fra Kjersti:)
I'm 5 cards behind holy moly woman you are just pumping them out...
The shape of this card is stunning so beautiful. You're brilliant you created it yourself koodoos to you my dear and of course your coloring is perfect her hair looks real, like 3D, amazing...
WOW!! This is stunning. Such a wonderful design with gorgeous detailing and a beautiful image
Thank you for taking part in the Stampin' for the Weekend Challenge
Sue xx
Endelig har jeg fått tid til å stikke innom bloggen din.
Nydelig kort du har laget og veldig delikate farger. Liker layouten på dette kortet her. Motivet er jo så flott.
Klem Gunn
Du har ikke en link til malen for dette kortet? Har jo sett Marianne lage det også. Nydelig er det!
Wow this is just Stunning! Love the Design and your colouring is Amazing! Have a Great Weekend!
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