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Lee Ann Womack - I Hope You Dance
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
6 kommentarer:
Nydelig LO og flott tekst. Håper det er bra med deg ?
Nydelig layout! :)
Så utrolig flott LO, du har laget Elizabeth.
Håper alt står bra til med deg og snuppa.
Klem Gro.
Utrolig flott!!! Nydelig tekst:)
åååååå så masse fint du har laget siden sist jeg var her. Alltid like inspirerende;)
Ha en fin helg
Klem fra Elisabeth
Utrolig fin blogg :) Og utrolig fine kort og scrapping :) likte jentene på julekortene, kor har du fått tak i di stemplene? :)
hilsen ei som fant bloggen din tilfeldig :)
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